Make Your Home Office a Good Fit with Sentinel’s Safety and Ergonomic Checklist

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, nearly half of the U.S. workforce was already working remotely either some or all of the time. This percentage will undoubtedly continue to rise not only as a result of the pandemic, but also because technology is enabling new telework opportunities.  In managing the risks posed by remote work, employers tend to focus on issues of data security, but workspace safety is important, too. Encouraging good ergonomics is a great way to prevent injuries and promote safety and efficiency.

For most of us, our corporate office workspace is a higher-quality ergonomic arrangement than our home office. After all, a hastily cleared space at the kitchen table with enough room for a laptop and little else can work just fine for a few days, but what happens when your coffee table or couch becomes your full-time office work environment?

The reality is that we often adapt to the “as-is” workspace that we inherit on day one of working remotely. Think about every job or office you have ever had in your career. How many changes did you make to the initial office set up? Apart from hanging a painting or rearranging personal items, the likelihood of changing anything other than the office aesthetic is low.  In return, we create poor habits, postures, and possibly latent exposures over time from adapting to fit the environment, rather than adapting the environment to fit us.

Sentinel has developed a simple, effective checklist to help improve home office work spaces for better comfort, safety and productivity.

Download Sentinel’s Safety and Ergonomic Workspace Checklist, here: Safety Focus – Remote Workplace Ergonomics






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