Sentinel is proud to announce that the firm’s founder and managing partner, Jim Holmes, has been named one of North Carolina’s most influential business leaders. Holmes joins an impressive list of heavy hitters on Business North Carolina magazine’s Power 100, a compilation of the state’s storied, prominent and emerging leaders in the corporate and nonprofit arena.
The article points to Holmes’ success in growing Sentinel’s brand and business, and touts his ability to add prominent leaders from North Carolina’s business and civic circles to Sentinel’s executive team.
“If you know Jim, if you’re lucky enough to work with him or for him, then you know what it’s like to be inspired by his boundless energy and endless passion for putting people and companies in position for success,” said Nicole Winkle, Sentinel’s Chief Operating Officer.
Holmes, who founded Sentinel in 2012, has served on several nonprofit boards and commissions in his career. He is currently serving his second term on the UNC System Board of Governors.
To read the full Power 100 article, click here.
Or, fast forward to the profile on Jim Holmes, here.